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SSOProxy Server INI File Configuration | LoanBook

Added: 10/09/2012; Last Modified: 10/10/2012; Visits:1,540

The SSOProxy server used for LoanBook Kerberos Single Sign-On does not have a user interface and must be configured using a .ini file.  The configuration parameters are set via a .ini file that must exists in the installation directory.  The ini file must have the following parameters:

  • LogPath - Path to an existing folder that will hold SSProxy log files.  Log files are created daily and named accordingly
  • SessionFolder - Path to an existing folder that will hold the authenticated user session files that LoanBook uses to verify authentication.
  • Host - The DNS name or IP address that SSOProxy will use to listen for connections.  This must be identical to LoanBook server.
  • Port - Port that connections will be accepted on.
  • ServerName - The name that the SSO proxy will use for internal uniqueness.  This must be unique between multiple sessions of SSOProxy.
  • Protocol - The IP protocol used.  (IPv4 or IPv6),  Currently LoanBook clients will only connect on IPv4
  • SecurityPackage - Security package used for authentication.  Kerberos is the only currently supported package.
  • SessionHours - The amount of time in hours a user authentication is valid for.  Sessions are renewed for this amount of time after they expired.
  • BkSlashChar - For internal use only. Must always be (#).
  • Debug - The amount of logging requested.  0 = No logging, 1 = Only errors and critical items will be logged, and 2 = verbose and detailed logging.  Option 2 will create many entries per authentication.
  • Profile - The setting is used for internal benchmarking end performance tuning.  During runtime the setting should be set to 0.


Sample .ini file.

